Donald E. Peters, Дональд Питерс - Kyiv Ukraine and Enfield CT

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I now live in Comfort Town, Kyiv, Ukraine although I am frequently in the USA.

Сейчас я живу в "комфорт-Тауне", Киев, Украина, хотя я часто нахожусь в США.

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My World, by Donald Peters

Yes, that is me, although it has been a few years since I danced with Wendy.  No, it was not a posed picture, it was taken during a solo performance and I had no idea a photographer was standing there.  My thanks to him, because I think it is the best picture I have of myself.

The music that is playing is what Wendy and I were dancing too.  We worked on that performance for months and I was proud of how well we did.  FYI, Wendy is an excellent ballroom instructor but I am concentrating on West Coast Swing now.

What have I been?

  • A son. The oldest of 3 children on a dairy farm in Wisconsin.
  • A soldier. U.S. Army, 14 months in Viet Nam. E5
  • A husband to Cathi
  • A father to Sarah, Tammy, Debbie and Becki
  • An Adventurer and a West Coast Swing dancer

My goals:

  • To stay healthy so I can continue to be here for a long time
  • Financial success so that I can help those I care about
  • To dance a lot
  • To be better at everything I do
  • To please God

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